Kickresume Remote Talent Hub

Find the right talent and hire globally.

Connect with remote talent from all across the globe and unlock your company’s true potential.

Find Talent
  • 20,000+ active job seekers in the talent pool.
Trusted by over 2.5 million customers worldwide who got hired at top companies.
  • Amazon
  • Hotjar
  • Dropbox
  • Twitch
  • komoot
  • xm

Talent knows no borders.

Don’t let geography limit your company’s growth. Recruit candidates from the global talent pool. Browse candidates who have created a resume in the past three months and are actively looking for a new job.


Active job seekers in the talent pool

Find talent

Screening on autopilot.

Get automatically matched with candidates who fit your criteria.

The initial match is determined based on basic attributes like location, salary expectations, and seniority. Then we analyze their resume using an advanced resume parser, and compare their skills and experience against your job description.

Find talent

How does it work?

job post

Post a job.

It all starts with you creating a job post. Describe the role and outline your expectations. Make it attractive because thousands of people are going to see it.

Find talent

Browse only relevant matches.

Once you post a job, you can instantly browse a list of suitable candidates whose profile matches your criteria — or wait until someone replies to the job post. In both cases, you only deal with people who are interested or are likely to be interested in the job.

Find talent


Is there a suitable candidate who stands out from the rest? Or is it impossible to choose at this point? Connect with them and find out more.

Find talent


No matter how many people you match with, you only pay for a job post.

Post a job today, hire tomorrow.

200 89 USD excl. tax
per one month of visibility
Number of matches per job post
Handpicked candidates in database
Expected monthly views per job post
AI-screened candidates
Only relevant matches
Save time and effort

Dive into the global talent pool.

Your new colleagues are out there. Let us help you connect.

Find Talent
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